The script that came in the top 5% of the prestigious Nicholl Fellowship competition is now pressed and bound in its original form. Hilarity ensues when five rockers who lost their most heartbreaking battle years ago reunite in a desperate attempt to reclaim their glory. Brett Deville, the only responsible one out of the lot, is a virtual outcast because he actually grew up to get a job that pays above minimum wage. David Lee Rock, the slightly insane one who sets them on their journey after an incident at the DMV with the police, believes everything he does is for the fans.
The only problem is...

There are no fans.

This isn't your mother's Rock and Roll

Anthony A. Paluzzi and
J. L. Feliciano decided to team up for the first time in this hilarious story about five rock n' rollers who aren't trying to recapture their youth so much as they're hunting it down.

If you like to laugh out loud you're going to love

What if you could go inside your own head and walk along its tubes of life giving blood?

What if you could see the electrical charges sending messages across your brain and watch as your antibodies flew by to attack whatever microbe was trying to harm you?

What if you could visit your frontal lobes, the origin of all your thoughts, and speak to them as if they were separate living beings from yourself? Now...

What if you were suddenly trapped in there and discovered something else was also living in your brain and that something hated you? What if you were moments from death and the only way to save yourself was to defeat this creature and find a way out of your own head?

This is the riveting story of HEAD, the novel set in the middle of CONTEMPLATIONS OF A DISTURBED MIND, a collection of short stories that range from erotica, THE SLOW BURN, to a place where emotions walk around independent of the person feeling them, PASSION, to the fantastical, AN INTRODUCTION TO INSANITY, to a potential world ending conclusion,THE BIG RIP. Fast, sweeping, the stories in CONTEMPLATIONS OF A DISTURBED MIND will leave you wanting more




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